“As a professional hairstylist, I have seen firsthand my client's hair loss and the worry it adds to an already stressful, unprecedented experience. In the early part of 2021, my clients started to ask about their hair loss several times a week. I was experiencing thinning hair myself and commiserated with the overwhelmed clientele. What was going on? There are many reasons for hair to change (medication use, hormonal changes, and genetics, to name a few), and I ran through them, looking for a pattern. The only constant was the pandemic and the added concerns it brought with it. After considering this and talking with other hairstylists, it became clear: the stress of the pandemic is showing up in our hair-lines.
“Several studies have tested the efficacy of treating hair loss using essential oils. These studies are not stress-related but instead highlight another way that we can utilize essential oils when confronting hair loss. Alleviating hair loss would help curb the secondary stress cycle… Using essential oils along with proper sleep, eating well, exercising, laughing with friends, meditation and mindfulness is a great way to combat pandemic stress and associated hair loss.”
Diane Koistinen is a salon owner, stylist and artist from North Carolina in the US. She recently graduated with a level 2 aromatherapy certificate program from The School for Aromatic Studies. Diane’s excellent graduate paper that we selected for publication brings us one other important subject related to pandemic stress. In her study, Diane gives us a well-explained overview on the hair growth cycles, a detailed introduction into the types of hair loss, and describes multitudes of processes when stress can affect our hair. Holding a bachelor's degree in psychology, being a professional hairstylist, and also a certified aromatherapist puts Diane Koistinen into the perfect position to dive into solutions supporting hair loss in its complexity.
Stress and Hair Loss is a common issue, and maybe you or someone just need to read this article to draw inspiration, solace and support in meeting the challenges somewhere?
You will find Diane Koistinen’s great graduate paper in our uplifting educative SUMMER issue of AROMATIKA Magazine (9.2.), and if you have not got your copy of our e-journal yet, find it in our shop.
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