Our readers and Authors said... now it's your time!

"Congratulations on this extensive set of information you deliver to the readers! It is a tremendous honour for me to be part of Aromatika Magazine! Thank you deeply for this opportunity! How important this is to share knowledge about living with plants!"
Marju Kivi, Naturalness, Portugal
"It is an honor to be among such a remarkable company. Thank you Gergely Hollodi and Ildiko Berecz and congratulations for providing us with another fantastic resource of information Aromatika."
Melani Kovac, Dropsmart, slovenia
"Thank you Gergely Hollodi and Ildiko Berecz for publishing my work in this wonderful magazine. Aromatika is buzzing with excellent articles. A subscription is such a contribution to any aromatherapists literature. Highly recommended."
Madeleine Kerkhof, Kicozo, The Netherlands
"Always an honor to be part of this wonderful glorious delightful publication.Thank you for having me."
Doreen DeSerres-DuJardin, Nature's Spirit, USA
"Thank you so much! I have been buying each addition as they come out but this year I treated myself to the subscription!
Take care, Colleen"
colleen Emery c.ih, rht (bcha), emery herbals, canada
"The Aromatika magazine looks beautiful and so informative, exactly what the world needs at the moment. Great work."
Tanya Bochnig, April Aromatics, Germany
"The friends I have made since joining the Aromatika journey has been amazing and I have so enjoyed writing articles for you and look forward to continuing that in the future and hopefully being able to travel again to explore the wonderful places there are out there. The doorways that have opened thanks to your exposure have been wonderful and much appreciated."
Sue Mousley, SOME training, UK
"I love your magazine. I read on my iPad. I love the images and content with both science and the spiritual. I see you put your heart on the editing very carefully and with love. Thank you for the good work."