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This edition is 114 pages. A digital product

Aromatika magazine 7.4.1. 2020.WINTER


    6–10   Sue Mousley: Trauma's impact in today's society

    12–15  Jan Kusmirek: Stress, mental health, and our skin

    17–21  Eliane Zimmermann: The amazing sense of smell – often impaired in times of COVID-19



    24–27  Elizabeth Ashley: Lemon (Citrus limon L.)



    28–35   Rana Babaç Çelebi: Equine aromatherapy – Applications on behavioural issues

    36–43  Marielle Mercadier: Aromatherapy and menopause

    44–48   Madeleine Kerkhof: CO2 extracts – pure plant power for children's skincare

    52–58   Colleen Quinn: Understanding essential oil chemistry

    60–71   Linda Anne Kahn: Lyme disease, the great imitator



    72–79   Ildikó Berecz: Melissa Life is beautiful, isn't it?

    80–84   József Tóth: In quest of a legend

    86–91   Gabriel Mojay: Aromasophia: the cultural meaning of aromatic plants

    92–97   Gergely Hollódi: Siempreviva – Oils of "Eternal Life" (Interview)


    7th SENSE

    102-107  Vanessa Jean Boscarello Ovens: Davana

    108–117  Dr. Malte Hozzel Aromatic reflections for moments of crisis

    118–121   Gabriella Schütz: If the essential oil of Myrrh could talk...



    122–127   Gergely Hollódi: The man who dreams with accords Interview with perfumer Matthew Meleg



    128–132   What research says about herbs and essential oils...

©2024 Aromatika Magazine

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