In our last year's summer edition of Aromatika 2021 8.2. we featured an article from aromatherapist, educator, and Dropsmith's founder Melani Kovac on their special essential oil platform that both greatly helps and inspires people worldwide.
“I teach and advise aromatherapy to many different profiles – aromatherapist, pharmacists, nurses and therapists, cosmeticians, distillers, essential oil sellers as well as common people who would like to use aromatherapy to support their family. It is my students who have inspired me to develop Dropsmith.”
In this fascinating article, Melani shares her story of how Dropsmith – now also called Dropsmart - came about with the contribution of many colleagues and friends that supported her on her journey, as well as her husband and daughter who have been extraordinarily supportive of Melani’s devotion to teach and connect people in the aromatherapy world.
Learn more about this exciting journey of Melani Kovac and the incredibly smart system Dropsmith that they offer to the world. Find this article in AROMATIKA Magazine 2021. 8.2. we published last SUMMER. You can still download that e-journal from us to add to your collection of aromatic wisdom.
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