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Rose Oil: An Elixir of Powerment and Potency

“To regale excessively of rose’s history seems to be superfluous here. We can trace ceremonial usage back seven thousand years to ancient Sumeria, where the rose was the symbol of their most beloved goddess Inanna. Through antiquity the symbol followed the feminine divine through her many incarnations, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite and Venus. Each time she bore the powers of the goddess, love, procreation and war.”

In her explorations on rose’s history, author and one of the world’s leading essential oil researcher Elizabeth Ashley gets us see a spotlight on just how closely aligned orthodox and complementary medicine have become, and shares several findings in research of how rose oil has been found to affect male sexual dysfunction. In her article ‘Rose Oil: An Elixir of Powerment and Potency’ Elisabeth writes:

“I wonder, could it be that rose is nature's most important medicine for man? You can read mankind here, but I’d like to shine a light on a different perspective of the ultimate feminine medicine for the purposes of this article. That is, how it affects masculine mood and sexuality. More, I am interested in examining the effects of rose on potency; from the part, it played in elevating a Greek woman to Egyptian pharaoh thus harnessing the omnipotent power of a goddess, to the research into how it can alleviate the distressing effects of impotency in today’s male society.”

This wonderful article can be found in our last SUMMER issue of AROMATIKA Magazine 2021. 8.2., and you can still find and download that e-journal from us to add to your collection of aromatic wisdom.

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